Sunday, October 11, 2009


after such a long time i am writing on this page. though its always in my mind so many times. but never really took the pain to jot down my thoughts in these words. i liked the picture so pasted here. though i am feeling a bit low but not that these pic is potraying. loads of ppl dropped by on this space. some felt connected. some bored. some frustrated. but whtever. i liked whenever some one shared the toughts. life had been topsy turvy infact more than that. its a ride where in u dont know what turn it gonna when u think u gonna be smooth ride then its turns up to be round and when u think it will be in circles it ends up having plain ride

things are sometime that much strange that u dont know what is bad or worse. and there is option only between bad worse or may be worst. u end up in life choosing some thing job sucks.have few ppl in life with them i loose myself the way i am.

i haved changed a lot . still some time i am the same stupid emotional bloody gal

i hate to feel this. at the end of day its me . m feelng lke holding the sky in my hands. but get nothng.